"Human behaviour is not dictated by conditions that man encounters, but by decisions he himself makes." Viktor Frankl

VIKTOR FRANKL CENTRE VIENNAWith this perception of a human being, Frankl insisted that life can become meaningful and well worth living by choosing an attitude toward conditions and by “designing” oneself and the world around. Meaning can be discovered in difficult circumstances, and even in unavoidable fates one can say Yes to life.
This is the central concern of Frankl: That we find meaning in persons and causes other than oneself, beyond and greater than oneself.

The point is:
• to meet each person’s need to live meaningfully
• to satisfy the most human of all needs, to see sense in every situation in life
• to see every person as potential designer of oneself and as co-designer of the world
• to grant to all people—whether young or old, healthy or ill—the dignity that belongs to being human.

Particularly in today’s world, such regard of persons can shape and contribute to a world justice and of hope.

"The point is never what we can expect from life, but only what life expects from us."
Viktor Frankl


Co-operation partners of the Viktor Frankl Centre Vienna

VIKTOR FRANKL ZENTRUM WIENThe Centre cooperates with the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna, the Educational Institute for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis ABILE/Wels, the Austrian Red Cross, and the Federal Pedagogical Academy in Carinthia and the University College of Teacher Education of Christian Churches Vienna/Krems. The VIKTOR FRANKL CENTRE wishes to make its resources accessible to the interested public. The educational focus of the Centre represents an effort so far unique in Austria.


VIKTOR FRANKL CENTRE VIENNAIt is the overall aim of the Centre to preserve and disseminate the lifework of Viktor Frankl in all spheres of society, and to integrate the basic ideas of logotherapy into applied disciplines such as medicine, psychotherapy, philosophy, education, and economics through:

- lectures, seminars and courses at the
- specialists who speak in companies,  
   institutions, schools and educational
   centres about how to apply logotherapy in the respective fields
- acting as a contact point for scientists, researchers, and undergraduate and graduate
  students from Austria and abroad
- organizing events, video presentations and discussions at the Centre
- organizing interdisciplinary public symposia
- acting as a contact point for persons in psychological distress; although the VIKTOR
  FRANKL CENTRE is not a treatment or therapeutic facility, it can provide a list of
  logotherapists and physicians who are recognized psychotherapists in Austria to whom
  patients may be referred
- maintaining a comprehensive library and documentation centre about the life and work of
  Frankl and about the international history of logotherapy, including a large selection of
  works from related areas
- maintaining a media library at the Centre of audio and video recordings about logotherapy
  and about the life of Frankl
- maintaining a museum about Frankl’s life and work

(Translation: Haddon Klingberg Jr.)


Types of memberships, annual membership fees & donations

VIKTOR FRANKL MUSEUM VIENNAAnnual membership fees for:

Full members: € 35,00

Logotherapists: € 50,00

Families: € 45,00

Students: € 25,00

Pupils: € 10,00

Account for membership fees and donations:

Adress: Mariannengasse 1/13, 1090 Wien
IBAN: AT 42 3225 0000 0195 5343             

Declation of Membership (valid for one year)


Mariannengasse 1/13
1090 Vienna

E-Mail: office(at)
Fon: +43 (0)1 997 166110

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