The Therapist and the Soul

From Fate to Freedom

Elisabeth Lukas is one of the leading practitioners of logotherapy in the world, and is internationally known for applying and extending the work of Viktor Frankl. Frankl noted that, "For Lukas, there is no human being who does not retain a chance to grow, no situation which does not have its spark of meaning.... To elucidate meaning possibilities is the art of Elisabeth Lukas and entirely in the tradition of logotherapy."

In this book, Lukas offers hope to those who suffer from guilt or fear, whether justified or not. Each must be dealt with differently; for example, it is common for a person to suffer from guilt for an accident for which there is no responsibility. Such unjustified guilt is actually the result of the blows of fate, which were not chosen and for which the person was therefore not responsible. On the other hand, where guilt is justified, the offering of "absolution" is not appropriate, and practical measures must be offered for the individual to address it.

Lukas devotes separate chapters to meaningful approaches to the unique struggles facing men and women; working with "problem children"; the use of books for self-therapy; the prevention of suicides; as well as justified vs. unjustified guilt, among others.

Lukas establishes (using examples and case studies) that it is not necessary to dredge up the past, uncover old wounds, or analyze childhood traumas in order to find meaning and healing. What awaits us all is a meaningful choice among a constellation of possibilities.

Paperback: 246 pages
Publisher: Purpose Research (2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0982427832
ISBN-13: 978-0982427835
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.6 x 9 inches



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